life review session

3-HOUR virtual session

+ 50% off of A 1-hour follow-up session


Most of us wait until our last days to take a critical look at how we've LIVED. Kudos to you for being invested in how you're LIVING now and taking the action necessary to do it in a more intentional way. 


In a world where ‘pushing through’ and ‘moving on’ are cornerstones of our life cycle, we end up shifting so quickly from one task, goal, or item on our to-do lists, to another, that it's not uncommon to wonder where the time went and what exactly we did with it!

The truth is - people will take as much of us as we allow them to. Sure, much of our joy in life comes from the roles and responsibilities that we gladly accept. But quite a bit of angst originates from the ones we automatically ‘allow' without proper thought and reflection.

This is your opportunity to sit, with yourself,  identify what you're doing, what's important, and what you can shed in order to enjoy a more meaningful existence. 

The life review is a practice of diving into the details of how your unique past informs the present, and aligns with the future you want to live. Four key foci will facilitate our process: 



We’ll look at your current ‘hats’ (roles and responsibilities) and discuss in detail how they align with and fuel your goals and value attainment.



 You'll embrace each of the most meaningful moments and milestones in the last year and widen your capacity for more truth and joy.



This most enlightening portion will offer you the opportunity to become aware of your thought processes and the patterns behind them.



At the conclusion, you'll have clarity about what is most important to you, and initiate a plan of action to move in that direction.

Now is 
your time

You may have heard the quote:

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.” ~unknown

But so often we operate as if we're the co-pilot of our lives, allowing other people, places, and situations to chart our paths. 

Take this opportunity to reclaim your time, vision, and trajectory of your journey in a safe and objective space. 


What Do I need to do in preparation for our session?

After securing your virtual session in my calendar, all you’ll need is your Zoom link, transparent self, and openness to new ways of being to join. 

HOw Does this session differ from one I've had with you before?

This session is extremely targeted and specific to where you've been and defining, visualizing, and plotting exactly where you're headed next. 


Yes, I do provide a recording and follow-up plan so that you be fully present in the moment and reflect on our time together in more depth later on.

live your truth, intentionally! 

Join me for
a transformative Reflection


“For once I am living my life rather than watching it pass in review.”

-Lee Smith